have your say in midcoast council's draft local environmental plan (lep) community consultation28/5/2024 It's time to Have Your Say in the Council's consultation period for their new Local Environmental Plan (LEP), which will decide what the future zoning will be at North Arm Cove. This will also affect what we can and can't do on our blocks in the future.
The good news is that the NSW Dept. of Planning recently directed Council not to downzone the paper-subdivision to C3 Environmental Management, but instead to C4 Environmental Living. You can read more about this in the Gateway Determination Report. You need to make a submission by 11.59pm Sunday 14 July. Last time NAC ratepayers made more than 114 submissions, so let's see if we can beat that?! Here's how to do it in 6 easy steps: 1. Click on the website link haveyoursay.midcoast.nsw.gov.au/draft-midcoast-local-environmental-plan and then scroll down to this box, where it says "Read the Planning Proposal and make a submission". 2. Read these documents if you are interested. The most important one is the Gateway Determination Report, which is where NSW Dept of Planning (State Gov) is telling Council what the zoning for North Arm Cove should be - C4 Environment Living. 3. Click through to this page and fill in your details. Then click NEXT. 4. Make your comments in this box. 5. Here's an example of what you could say...but your need to put this in your own words...no copying! 6. When you are successful you should receive this message. Congratulations, pat yourself on the back!
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So we have had great news in recent times.
The NSW Dept. of Planning (Housing & Infrastructure) directing MidCoast Council (via the Gateway for the new LEP) to rezone North Arm Cove (NAC) non-urban lots to C4 'Enviromental Living', instead of Council's desire for C3 'Envronmental Management'. This is incredibly exciting, because the State Govt now see a possible residential solution for NAC. This also reflects well for those villagers zoned urban, because it gives hope to the possibility of sewer, much needed infrastructure and commercial shops and services such as medical, which are of much benefit to them, and which will only enhance their property values. But of course, the 'old guard' hate any change, and want the status quo to remain. But its like the boy who stuck his finger in the dyke, there will be no stopping the progress that is coming their way. Currently, the recommended zone of C4 has a minimum Lot size of 5 ha, which of course is still way too large, but this can be worked down to much smaller lot sizes once the authorities are satisfied that there is feasible outcomes for biodiversity, bushfire, infrastructure costs and an overall business case for development. In my opinion, the current footprint of Burley Griffin's subdivision unfortunately won't work, because of the above challenges, but a new footprint with appropriate corridors for ecological and biodiversity measures can be drafted and presented to all landowners in a future Development Plan, which is currently being investigated with advice from both Dept of Planning and Council. If its found that sensible development can occur with the required independent studies, then the next stage will see support from all sides of government, and it will come down to a landowner vote. Slow but steady as she goes, but we are starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel. Once again, I can't emphasize enough how important it is to have numbers in the Association, because it tells the decision makers that we have the support behind us, and demand change. Please take the time to join - you can click on the Membership tab above, or the link below. https://northarmcove.org.au/membership.html# Membership - North Arm Cove Rate Payers Association Contributed by David Buxton President, North Arm Cove Rate Payers Association [email protected] 27 May 2024 Mid Coast Council have released their Community Strategic Plan for 2025-2035. The plan can be viewed at MidCoast Community Strategic Plan | Have Your Say (nsw.gov.au) Non urban paper subdivision landowners are not defined or included as part of the Community, which has been a real issue for us to have our voice to be consulted and listened to. The North Arm Cove Ratepayers Association NACRPA will be providing a strong submission, to ensure we are included in any future community consultation on matters that impacts our land. As we know, we have power in numbers. Please provide your feedback at MidCoast Community Strategic Plan | Have Your Say (nsw.gov.au) Feedback must be provided before Sunday 30 June 2024. North Arm Cove Ratepayers make up 5% of the total MidCoast Council ratepayer base... OUR VOICES SHOULD COUNT! The statement highlighted above is NOT TRUE. We were deliberately EXCLUDED from the Community Consultation process.